
Houston Theft Attorney – Shane RL Sanders


Theft is a general legal term that is used as an over-arching description that includes crimes in which one person intentionally and/or fraudulently appropriates personal property of another person without their consent – of course the intent to retain the property for other uses is a big part of this crime.

There are many ways to win a theft case, and only an experienced Houston theft lawyer can ensure the best chance of dismissing your theft case.

Work with a Hard-Hitting Theft Lawyer in Houston who has a unique perspective on criminal cases. If you are facing theft charges, we encourage you to retain legal help immediately. As with any criminal matter, time is of the essence. Our Houston criminal defense lawyer can help you level the legal playing field.

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Experienced Houston Theft Lawyer


The different types of Theft crimes in Texas include:


Texas law classifies burglary as entering a building without the owner’s permission with the intent to commit a felony, theft or assault.


Shoplifting is considered one of the most common forms of theft in Texas. The degree of punishment varies depending on the value of the item that was allegedly stolen.


This type involves intentionally or knowingly causing bodily injury or fear of bodily injury during the course of committing that theft.

Petty theft:

A petty theft is generally referred to the unlawful taking of someone else’s property with the intent to deprive the owner of the property permanently. Petty theft is usually charged as a misdemeanor if it is a first ever offense.

Misdemeanor Theft:

Misdemeanor thefts are smaller scale crimes which usually carry sentences of fines or a short amount of jail time for the crime.

Juvenile Shoplifting:

Minors who are convicted of thefts are usually handled a bit differently by the legal system. Juvenile offenders are more likely to be sentenced to community service or required to attend a course about shoplifting or petty theft crimes.

Felony Theft:

As you might already know, felonies are more serious crimes and carry harsher sentences generally. Just like misdemeanor theft, the sentences for felony theft convictions are based on the total value of the property that was stolen.

Theft by Check:

Paying for an item with a check when the checking account does not have sufficient funds to cover the amount or the account is closed qualifies as theft by check.

Identity Theft:

A person commits identity theft, also known as ID theft when he/she knowingly steals personal information about another person and uses that information for criminal purposes. Often the information is used to make online purchases, access personal records and accounts, and to commit many other forms of privacy invasion or thefts.

To get aggressive defense from an experienced Theft Lawyer, request a free case consultation by calling your local Houston Theft Attorney now.

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Call Now: (713) 352-1221


The Negative Effects of a Theft Conviction on Your Career:

White collar crimes are considered the common theft crimes that involve deception and are usually non-violent. These crimes take place mostly in a business setting. If you are convicted of this crime, you will likely face penalties such as:

  • Restitution
  • Jail times
  • Fines


Theft in Texas is considered a crime of moral turpitude. If this is not handled correctly, it can have adverse effects on your reputation, job, credit, apt locating, etc, for the rest of your life.

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Call Now: (713) 352-1221

Experienced Houston Theft Attorneys